“I know what I need to do, I just need someone to make me do it”
This is what a lot of people say to us when they come in for help. But here’s the kicker…..everyone KNOW’S what they need to do
So why is it some people can do what they need to do and others can’t?
Is it because they all have a coach shouting at them and breathing down their necks like a nagging know-it-all??
So here is where I tell you exactly what the secret is….
But it’s not sexy, it’s not a pill and it’s not some new found research. It simply comes down to ‘how bad do you want it?’
You see, so many of us simply just don’t have the time to do these crazy things (or so we think). Everyone has the same amount of time per day, yes some people’s situations are different to others BUT I can 10000% say this with undying certainty; There is someone out there is the EXACT same situation as you but they are still nailing it
Their priorities are different to yours.
But Joe, my kids come first, then the hubby and THEN the housework before finally….ME.
Here is why in a simple way; you prioritise your health last because you need to take care of everyone else first, but what happens when you get ill??
There’s no way you can care for everyone else when you are seriously ill, now those who you say depend on you are the ones you have to depend on yourself.
Because you didn’t take care of yourself first.
Take care of yourself first, eat better, train (just 3 times a week will make a HUGE difference) and you will have more energy, a better functioning immune system AND a family who can see health as a priority.
62% of adults in the UK are classed as overweight, or obese.
Let’s be more than just a statistic